
One of our biggest hopes for Horizons Resources is that it will encourage you to engage more deeply with the Scriptures. Through our articles and podcasts, we want you to be reminded that God’s word is living and active; it makes us wise for salvation, shows us God’s plans and power, and reveals God himself to us (Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:15, John 1:1-5.) Indeed, as the author John Stott once said, “God is still speaking through what he has spoken.” 

So it is with great enthusiasm and exuberance that we commend a new Bible app for your consideration: Dwell.

Dwell is not like any other Bible app that is currently available. Most Bible apps focus on the reading experience, but Dwell is all about listening to Scripture. Passionate voices read the words of the text to you, without the choppy visual breakup of chapter headings or verse numbers - and an original music score draws you in to the world of antiquity (and if music’s not your thing, you can mute it). A friendly and beautiful user interface makes the app easy to learn and use. 

We have no doubt that Dwell will help you plumb the rich depths of God’s word in new and wondrous ways, and we cannot recommend it to you enough.

If you’re an Apple user, you can download Dwell from the App Store at this link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dwell-audio-bible-app/id1343917374?ls=1&mt=8  

If you’re an Android user, it should be available to you this fall. If you’d like to read more about it, you can check out the Dwell website (https://dwellapp.io/), or this post from one of our contributors (https://www.morganjpitts.com/blog/2018/7/10/dwell-on-the-word-of-the-lord)

Happy listening!