Connecting During Summer

It’s summer time, which means it’s time for family vacations and holiday cookouts. It’s a time when a lot of people take it easy. Of course, that doesn’t preclude the need to stay connected with the church, so how do you best do that during the lackadaisical summer months? If you are a Community Group leader, what are some things you can do to help your group stay connected in the midst of all the busyness?

Don’t Neglect Weekly Meetings

It may be easy to get wrapped up in all the summer activities and miss out on, say, normal meetings with your Community Group; but it is important for us to try to continue to meet together. Even if it isn’t a “traditional” group activity - for example, a cookout or a movie night - it is important for us to meet and stay connected.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

If your group is unable to meet for the week, one way to help you stay connected is to attend one of the weekly worship services at Horizons. During the summer months it can be difficult to attend your normal service, but we have four different services at the Lost Creek campus every week, and you can always visit one of the other Horizons campuses or check out the online campus. 

Another option is to attend Celebrate Recovery! There are meeting times on almost every night of the week in the North Central West Virginia area. This is an amazing way to connect with others who may be experiencing some of the same struggles you are. We all have our hurts, habits, and hangups, and Celebrate Recovery is a wonderful ministry geared towards finding healing in a Christ centered way.

Get Involved

Summer months aren’t just crazy for Community Groups; they’re crazy for several other ministries too, as a lot of volunteers are unavailable due to travel. If you want to stay connected, there are several places you can serve in the church. Whether it be with the the Nursery, Rock Solid Kids Ministry, LIFT Student Ministry, the Media Team, the Worship Team, Celebrate Recovery, or even handing out bulletins. There is always a need for volunteers and it’s also a great opportunity to stay connected.

If you are interested in serving with one of these ministries, check out the serve page on the Horizons Church website (click here to go straight to it!).

Plan a Community Group Outing

If you are leading a Community Group, you may have planned out your study to end at the beginning of summer. This is a great opportunity to get your group together for a fun activity like a holiday cookout or going to a Black Bears game, rather than just wholesale taking the summer months off. 

This could also be a great opportunity to serve. There are always a number of ways that your group can serve the church and the community. You could volunteer to spend time at a nursing home, the Clarksburg Mission, the Food Pantry, or come up with your own serve project. If your group is looking for an opportunity to serve, you can contact Pastor Duane at

It doesn’t have to be a big deal to stay connected. The early church did everything together. This weekend, find someone you know at church and set up a time to get together. Go out for dinner, go hang out at the pool or the park, go camping, have a bonfire and make dinner together. All of these things can be a way to stay connected and encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ. I mean, you don’t have to wait, though. Text them or call them now, if you want.