Posts in Ministry
Happy New Year, and an Update From Resources

We don’t have to tell you it’s been a minute! Grab a warm drink and settle in for Honesty Hour in an update from Horizons Resources.

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Finding New Strength in Sabbatical Seasons

A friend recently asked if I’ve had some great revelation from God in this Sabbatical season. I’d love for that to happen, but so far it’s been several smaller insights, My church is God’s Church, not mine, and everything rests on His capable shoulders.

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A Week in the Life of a Campus Pastor

We chuckle at the old joke, “a pastor only works one hour a week.” We know that cannot be exactly true, yet many remain unsure of what occurs between Sundays.

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Introversion In the Church

I’m coming to realize, whether introvert or extrovert, we all have a place in ministering to the lost and building up the body of Christ.

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Working to Make a Difference

The job you’re in now, the career you are in right now is the opportunity you need to make a difference in people’s lives for the kingdom of God.

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How Can a Large Church Feel Personal?

How can you get a personal experience at a large church - one that puts you in mind of that small town, community church that you loved as a kid, where everyone knew everyone and there was always some sort of potluck luncheon after services?

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