Posts tagged spiritual
Creation Declares the Glory of God

Where death once laid, a lone, pink flower stood proud. And my heart soared. I felt a joy like I couldn't explain, a renewal! A true gift of spring had come and I was its beholder.

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I Know Whom I Have Believed

“I know whom I have believed / and am persuaded that he is able / To keep that which I’ve committed / unto him against that day.”

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Review: First Reformed

This is the gripping story of the tormented Reverent Ernst Toller, shepherd to the dwindling “tourist church” called First Reformed.

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Introversion In the Church

I’m coming to realize, whether introvert or extrovert, we all have a place in ministering to the lost and building up the body of Christ.

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Prayer in Spiritual Warfare

Prayer is our key link into the spiritual battle raging around us, largely unseen - a key link that we all need, for though spiritual warfare is quite mysterious, we are all called to engage in the battle.

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The Wonder of the Gathering (Part 2)

It is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that we can be brought into the fold of God’s people, adopted as his beloved children, made citizens of his everlasting kingdom.

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Lament as Prayer

This permission to lament, to ask difficult questions and engage God in the argument of my own ways while still trusting that his ways are far better and far above, is a salve for my own stinging heart.

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On the Lost Art of Fasting

How do I avoid turning Satisfied Hunger into a god that is always telling me that the one true God has not provided enough for me - not just with my food, but with everything else he’s given?

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I Just Want to Pray

Take some hints from someone who spent way too much time feeling guilty for her lack of prayer during the busy seasons, but who eventually did figure out ways to fit life-giving spiritual formation habits into her schedule.

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