Posts tagged writing
Happy New Year, and an Update From Resources

We don’t have to tell you it’s been a minute! Grab a warm drink and settle in for Honesty Hour in an update from Horizons Resources.

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The Right Kind of Shame

There is a shame that can bring us back from the brink of ruin, but for this kind of shame to work, we must know that Christ is the kind of Savior who loves to speak words of pardon and assurance to his people.

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The Gift of Writing

When we write we sort out the noise in our lives, so that we can hear the deeper longings of our hearts.

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The Value of Journaling

Journaling is flexible to what you need, but all journaling leads back to the same goal of intentionality.

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On the Value of Poetry

With so much of Scripture composed of poems, a failure to understand and grapple with poetry will effectively cut us off from an enormous portion of God’s word.

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