Posts tagged god
Facing Times of Uncertainty

We are uncertain about who we can count on, about what we can count on. This uncertainty has led to fear, and this fear has translated to tension in our lives, our homes, and our world. How do we cope with the uncertainty that surrounds us?

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Holy Week: Wednesday

On Holy Wednesday, we take time to reflect on the woman who poured pure nard on Jesus’s feet while Judas made a deal with local authorities to sell Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

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God Cannot Change

We need to know that even when everything else around us does give way or could give way, there is One who cannot and will not give way.

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He Prepares the Rain

We can study and study and get really good at picking out patterns in the way things happen, but it will always, always be a prediction -- a guess at what will happen. 

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He Loves Me Marvelous Well

We find the definition for God’s love not in a dictionary, but in beholding Christ upon the cross.

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