Why, with all of the suffering around us, would God call us, his people, to gather and sing?
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Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
Read MoreGod never has to look into our eyes, sorrowfully apologizing for breaking a promise to us, because he has never broken a promise to us and he never will.
Read MoreJesus wants to shepherd us through times when we’re fatigued, exhausted, worn out.
Read MoreIt is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that we can be brought into the fold of God’s people, adopted as his beloved children, made citizens of his everlasting kingdom.
Read MoreHow can some of the most hardened, hurt kids in one of the most drug addicted counties in the entire country be changing so drastically for the better? The answer is something that most of us have yet to make a habit out of.
Read MoreThe opening moments of this film introduce something that I can’t wait to describe to you: the texture of silence.
Read MoreWhen we assemble together with our local church, we are participating in an event that has historic and miraculous significance.
Read MoreNo matter where you stand on any given issue, we all stand together on one very important thing: we want justice.
Read MoreThis permission to lament, to ask difficult questions and engage God in the argument of my own ways while still trusting that his ways are far better and far above, is a salve for my own stinging heart.
Read MoreHow do I avoid turning Satisfied Hunger into a god that is always telling me that the one true God has not provided enough for me - not just with my food, but with everything else he’s given?
Read MoreHow can you get a personal experience at a large church - one that puts you in mind of that small town, community church that you loved as a kid, where everyone knew everyone and there was always some sort of potluck luncheon after services?
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